a fish out of water podcast
A Fish out of Water Podcast
Episode 15: David Verbeek

Episode 15: David Verbeek

A new phenomenon has taken the internet by storm: Chinese rap. We interview the filmmaker David Verbeek, as he explores this genre

The multi-talented film director, photographer and cocktail mixologist, David Verbeek, shares his story about how he ended up in Taiwan, and how the city of ten thousand hidden gems keeps him hooked on inspiration. "I’m here for the content, not the network." says Verbeek, "I’ve tried to live elsewhere since but failed. The gravitational pull of Taiwan is too strong."

‘As a film director and photographer there is no professional advantage to living in Taiwan. The market is small, people don’t speak English well, the industry is closed-minded and not inclusive at all. I’m serious. It makes no sense living here. So I get by in my own way, I’m here for the content, not the network. I produce art about Taiwan because the country and culture keeps fascinating me. What stands out the most here is that regular people are very friendly and helpful which really matters when you are doing a low budget film. People will help you, without strings attached.’

Hear and see more.

Trapped in the city of a thousand mountains - rap in China


This podcast is kindly supported by Camera Museum of London, pre-owned Hasselblad specialists located at 44 Museum Street LONDON WC1A 1LY.  Visit: www.cameramuseum.uk

a fish out of water podcast
A Fish out of Water Podcast
I interview artists and creatives form all walks of life