a fish out of water podcast
A Fish out of Water Podcast
Episode 13: Mads Brügger

Episode 13: Mads Brügger

Danish TV presenter, journalist and Sundance Film Festival winner, Mads Brügger, discusses the craft of documentary and storytelling

Mads Brügger's first two projects, the documentary series Danes for Bush and the feature The Red Chapel, filmed in the United States and North Korea, respectively, are satirical looks at each of the two nations.

In October 2011, he released a new documentary, The Ambassador, about the trading of diplomatic titles in Africa. Mads Brügger impersonated a Liberian ambassador by purchasing a new identity on the black market and then proceeded to expose the ease with which people holding diplomatic titles can exploit the gem trade.

As result of the revelations in the documentary, the government of Liberia took legal steps to prosecute Mads Brügger and other people involved in the project, due to the embarrassment his work was perceived to have been caused to the nation. However, as of July 2012, the Danish government has not been presented with a formal demand for Mads Brügger's extradition.

Mads Brügger directed Cold Case Hammarskjöld, which premiered at the 2019 Sundance Film Festival. The documentary focuses on the death of UN Secretary-General Dag Hammarskjöld in a 1961 plane crash. In January 2019, Brügger reported on his findings in three articles published in The Guardian.

In October 2020, Mads Brügger's documentary The Mole: Undercover in North Korea was released, featuring a Danish chef going undercover in the Korean Friendship Association over the course of ten years, while trying to uncover the illicit arms and narcotics dealings of North Korea. (source: Wikipedia)


This podcast is kindly supported by Camera Museum of London, pre-owned Hasselblad specialists located at 44 Museum Street LONDON WC1A 1LY.  Visit: www.cameramuseum.uk

a fish out of water podcast
A Fish out of Water Podcast
I interview artists and creatives form all walks of life